
Imorse åkte mamma iväg på en utbildning, så nu är jag ensam hemma tills på fredag. Skönt på många sätt, men det kan bli lite smått ensamt också. Idag slutade vi tidigt som vanligt, så jag och M drog hem till mig och pluggade, lagade god mat och sjöng lite Singstar. Vi måste ha fler sådana här dagar/kvällar gumman! Fast vi kan ju skippa pluggandet dock, även om det var riktigt kul. "Gone and watch hockeymatches" Översättning direkt från svenskan? Japp! He-he. Nej, beviset på hur duktiga vi är på engelska kan ni se här nedan. Hihi. Vi blev så pass stolta över vår lilla text om en denna grymma film att jag bestämde mig för att lägga in den här, så läs och njut (om ni orkar förstås).

Emotional, fascinated and heartbreaking. Green Street Hooligans sweeps everyone off their feet. The movie is about the journalist-student Matt Buckner who gets caught with his roommate’s drugs and gets thrown out of the top university Harward. He flies over the Atlantic to his sister Shannon in England where he gets in touch with her husband Steve’s brother Pete, who is a football hooligan. After a while Matt catch sight of the dark side of football. Together with Pete and his friends Matt gets to experience many games and his first real fight. But the most important thing he learns is to stand his ground, to never give in no matter how hopeless it seems. He realizes the value of telling the truth and learns what a small lie can cause. Friendship is shaped, trust is torn, promises are shattered and life’s goes to waste. In one of our times most well spoken movies.

On some levels this movie is a little bit dangerous for the society. It is captivating and makes people want to fight. The characters feelings on the screen reinforces the belief of that it is real. For certain people this really is reality but we hope it is not as bad as it looks in this film.

This may not sound like a good movie with violence as its main subject. But it also contains love and unbreakable friendship. It shows us how a sport can unite a group of people who doesn’t even know each other. We have felt how it can be like. Since three years back we have went to see VIK play icehockey games in ABB Arena. It is amazing how you can band with so many unknown people, people with names you don’t even know. For some it still feels strange, that the two of us, the calmest girls of all time is interested in screaming their lungs out while watching such a violent game. To be honest, four years ago it felt kind of strange to us too.

Some people don’t see hockey, or any other sport for that matter, as something a girl should watch and Green Street Hooligans is not a typical girl movie. But at the same time it reaches out to everyone who is old enough to see it, whether you are a man or a woman. The movie includes a pinch of almost everything there has to be to make it good. It is emotional, sad, happy and at some parts even fun.

Green Street is not one of a kind, there are many films that contains the same things. Why Green Street Hooligans then? There are several reasons, the main one is that you feel involved in the life’s of the characters. The friendship between them goes through the box. You can almost feel what they feel, the way they reflect their motions makes the movie seem real.

Although we have seen more movies than we can count to in our eighteen year old life’s this one is the one that have meant the most to the both of us. We are not that big fans of football, not of traitors and we don’t see violence as the final solution, but we will always carry the message with us. No matter how hopeless, we will always stand our ground.

Matilda and Daniela, MP07B


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